TIG - Tech Immersion Group
The Tech Immersion Group is founded on the belief that learning new technology can be fun. Our first topic will be C# and .NET. Future topics include Silverlight, SharePoint, WCF, Entity Framework, LINQ, and Azure. The idea is as follows:
1) We will meet monthly to discuss about 200 – 300 pages of a book we’ve chosen.
2) We will stay with the same topic for several months (probably until we’re finished with the book.)
3) We will study for certification exams together.
4) We will write sample code and software projects.
5) This will be a safe place where any question can be asked (Ugh, I hope you get a good answer).
All are welcome to join the group. We do need to know who they are ahead of time so we can ensure a book is provided. We’ve been able to get our first book donated by O’Reilly Press. Hopefully, we can keep this sweet deal going.
I’m Ike Ellis, and I’ve been writing software for 12 years. Software I have written is currently in use by several thousand people. I love to teach and I love to learn. I can’t wait to meet you and get started on this together!
You will get a free book, free time from a mentor, and really valuable knowledge. In return, we ask:
1) That you show up on time and ready to learn.
2) That you commit to being there every month.
3) That you consider becoming a member of the San Diego .NET User Group ($50 annually.)
4) That you write a review on Amazon regarding the book you got for free (This will keep the free books coming.)
That’s it! Let’s get ready to learn a ton!
Robert Half Technology
4365 Executive Drive
Suite 450
San Diego, CA 92121
The 4th Wednesday of every month. Please be there at 5:45pm, as the doors to our building will lock by 6pm. Don’t be late!
Ike Ellis Contact Info
Twitter: @EllisTeam1
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/ellisike
Linked In
Visit them at http://www.oreilly.com.

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